"Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food." Hippocrates (460 - 377 B.C.)
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My Whole Food Farmacy

There are complex intricacies between the design of the cells of your body and the complex organisms that make up organically grown food, which inherently feed, heal and enhance your health. That food which is developed by processing plants was never part of the original plan to deliver high quality nutrients to your body.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are"; Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach said "man is what he eats". From these two men came the phrase "You are what you eat."  Watch the videos below.  
Click on The Wholefood Farmacy banner and introduce yourself to the healthiest food on the planet. Reverse negative health conditions caused by processed food simply by adding food that has the power to eliminate food related disease. 

The WFF offers 100% Organic Foods Packaged To Go.

The Wholefood Farmacy has the healthiest food on the planet.YouTube Links on the truth about cancer.
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